31 Years

Parent/Student Handbook

Welcome to the 2024/ 2025 Season!

 We have an exciting season planned!  This web page is filled with information covering the months of August- June.

2024-2025 At a Glance

August 19, 2024Fall Classes Begin North Central Ballet
August 30-September 2Labor Day HolidayNorth Central Ballet
September 7, 2024Nutcracker AuditionsINFO LINK
October 4-6, 2024Fort Worth Dance FestivalINFO LINK
October 31Halloween No ClassNorth Central Ballet
November 23/24, 2024Nutcracker Short & SweetINFO LINK
November 25, 2024Grapevine Carol of LightsINFO LINK
November 25-Dec 1Thanksgiving BreakNorth Central Ballet
December 5, 2024Grapevine Parade of LightsDowntown Grapevine
December 11-14, 2024The NutcrackerIM Terrell
December 21-January 6Christmas BreakNorth Central Ballet
January 11, 2025Auditions-Fairy Doll/FirebirdNorth Central Ballet
March 17-23, 2025Spring BreakNorth Central Ballet
April 5 & 6, 2025The Firebird & Fairy DollINFO LINK
May 23-26Memorial Day HolidayNorth Central Ballet
June 7 & 8, 2025Coppelia (end of year show)INFO LINK
June 16-20, 2025Dance Camp ages 4/5North Central Ballet
July 7-18, 2025Intermediate Ballet WorkshopNorth Central Ballet
July 7-25, 2025Summer IntensiveNorth Central Ballet
August 18, 2025Fall Classes BeginNorth Central Ballet


Schedule of fees, due dates and late dates for the 2024/2025 Season:

MonthFeeLate ($25.00 Late fee)
August½ month tuitionAugust 23
SeptemberDue September 1September 7
OctoberDue October 1October 7
NovemberDue November 1November 8
DecemberDue December 1December 7
JanuaryDue January 1January 7
FebruaryDue February 1February 8
February 17Costume Fee ($110)February 24
MarchDue March 1March 8
March 17Performance Fee ($110)March 24
AprilDue April 1April 8
MayDue May 1May 8


School Holidays (Studio Closed/No classes)

August 30-September 2Labor Day Holiday
October 31Halloween
November 25-December 1Thanksgiving Break
December 21-January 6Christmas Break
March 17-23Spring Break
May 23-26Memorial Day Holiday


  • An enrollment fee of $35.00 per student is due annually.
  • Tuition is due the first class of each month. A Late Fee of $25.00 will be added to tuition received after the specified date.
  • Notice of withdrawal from the school must be given 30 days prior to dropping classes.  The following month’s tuition will be due for students not meeting the 30 day notice requirement.
  • THERE ARE NO TUITION ADJUSTMENTS OR DISCOUNTS FOR MISSED CLASSES. Makeup classes are available for missed classes.  There are no refunds on tuition, costume or recital fees.

The calendar in each month will vary depending upon which day you have your class.   Some months have 4 weeks while some have 5.  Tuiton is based on a 4-week month.  There is no additional charge for a month with a 5th week. Everyone will have an equal number of classes over the school year

We have a very fair policy regarding our payment for tuition and subsequent assessment of late fees.  Payments are due on the first of each calendar month. There is no late fee assessed until after 7th of the month.  Any account unpaid after the seventh of the month will incur a late payment of $25.00.  Payments may be made at the studio or online.  No credit is given for student absences, holidays, or classes canceled due to weather  If you make a payment late, please include your late fee or you will be billed.  Thank you for your co-operation.

Returned check fee is $25.00

Any student with an overdue balance of more than 45 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received.  Overdue balances must be paid by cash, money order, or certified check.  Students with outstanding balances will not be allowed to participate in any productions until all balances are paid in full and account is current.

Please make up any missed class within one month of your absence if possible; no credit will be given for missed classes.

Payment Instructions

All payments are due on the first of each calendar month.  Accounts will be auto-drafted the first week of the month.

Our students are in our database alphabetically by their last name.  Many of our students have different last names from parents and/or grandparents who are paying for dance expenses.  In order for us to properly credit your account, the following details will be important for us to know each time you make a payment.

When making a payment by check, please include the following information in the memo of your check.

  1. Student(s) First & Last Name. (Very important!!)
  2. State what you are paying for:

Monthly Tuition (State the month)

Style/Day/Time of class

Dance Supplies (Shoes, Leotard etc.)



For example:

Julie Smith – Sept Ballet Tue 4:00

Julie Smith – Costume

Julie/Amanda Smith – March/Costume Balance

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation!

 Studio Policies

We request that you keep all communications from the school for reference.   You will be receiving information about your participation in our annual recital throughout the semester as well as information on other performance opportunities.   End of Year Performance dates June 8 &9. 2024 (subject to change).

Please note that the waiting room is available for the convenience of our students and their families.   We ask that you please respect classes in session by keeping children quiet.  Please only water or tightly covered drinks and dry Non-Peanut snacks

We request that you arrive at the studio with adequate time to prepare for class, parking, changing, restroom, etc. Parents, for your children’s safety, please be available in the waiting room to receive students when dismissed from class.

Please note the following guidelines regarding all classes:

  1. We request that students carefully observe our dress code outlined on this page.
  2. Any student arriving more than 15 minutes late will not be admitted to class.  This is for the safety of the dancer NOT a punishment, please arrange for a make-up class if you expect to be very late.
  3. All students are encouraged not to leave the room once class has begun. Please allow for appropriate restroom use prior to class.  Very young children will be treated sensitively as the need arises. Preschool children may need a parent’s attention from time to time for various reasons including bathroom or behavior issues. Please do not leave the waiting room when very young children are in class without informing the office or having another parent responsible during your absence. We make every effort to have all children feel safe and cared for in a loving and inspiring learning environment.
  4. Please RESPECT your teacher and fellow students by giving full attention and co-operation.  You will be advised if we feel any student is not well adjusted to the classroom environment for any reason over time.  School age children and teens: please practice respect.  Students are not to be socializing in a disruptive manner during the class with other students.
  5. During class if a student complains of being ill, or sustains an injury and cannot participate, the instructor will send them to the office where the parents will be notified if not on the premises.
  6. Only students with a pre-existing sickness/injury are allowed to observe class.   The parents must notify the office if a student is to observe class.
  7. Out of town guests may request to visit at any time throughout the year. No one else is allowed to sit and watch during regular class time.

Dance class is educational and fun, however, an important part of class work is developing an attitude of discipline and respect for teachers and fellow students. We trust that following our classroom etiquette will provide an environment whereby classes at North Central Ballet will be a pleasure for all concerned.

Dress Code

It’s important for students abide by a dress code policy for the following reasons:

  • A neat and tidy appearance sets an attitude of attentiveness and respect for students, teacher, and the art of dance.
  • Teachers must be able to see the dancer’s body outline clearly in order to make proper corrections on posture, alignment, etc.
  • Hair must be properly secured and tied up off of the face and neck for all styles of dance.
  • Jewelry must not be loose or dangling.  ie. Ear rings, necklaces, bracelets
  • Gum chewing is not allowed due to danger of choking and appearance.
  • No loose fitting pants, blue jeans or t-shirts (they are not dance attire).
  • No costumes are allowed in class unless a dress up day is announced by the individual teacher.


Girls:      Black leotard and pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes, dance skirts are allowed.

Boys:      Any solid color T-shirt and black dance pants or sweatpants, black leather ballet shoes.

Classical Ballet

Girls 5-12:   Black  leotard, pink tights, and pink leather ballet slippers. Dance skirt permitted

Girls Teen/Adult:  Black  leotard, pink tights and pink leather ballet slippers.  Skirt permitted

Men/Boys:  Black tights or dance pants, black or white solid color T-shirt, and black leather ballet slippers.


Inclement Weather Policy

If there is a significant chance of severe weather including tornadoes, hail, ice or snow conditions, we will cancel class for that day. The safety of our dancers, their families and our staff are of the utmost importance.  We will send notification  via email and Facebook by 3:30 PM at the latest. If we are in class or rehearsal, and storms blow in, students will be instructed to call their parents and go home.

Since we, the faculty, are in the studios and cannot see outside please let us know if something is heading our way so that we may expedite the process.




12077 Katy Rd, Suite 713 • Keller, Texas 76248 • 817-993-5593